While my family has no true tradition for this first of the many wintery holidays, it seems like we always fall into a snuggily pit of movie watching. Sometimes we go out, but usually it is just whatever we find on TV. This Thanksgiving weekend was a truly special one in my father's book because we got free STARZ and ENCORE. Be thankful for all the little things right? This immediately made us jump to clog our tivo with every single movie we kind of sort of wanted to see. These were the ones that made the cut, but maybe made me want to cut my eyes out.
1.Parenthood (1989)
This Ron Howard film starring Steve Martin (and a very young Keanu Reeves) was surprisingly emotional and serious for a movie whose poster looks like the prequel for Cheaper by the Dozen. Following the intersecting stories of four grown up siblings and their families, including their grumpy old father, Parenthood tackles the semi taboo ideas of single parents dating, teen marriage/pregnancies, gambling and debt, and probably taken most seriously, children within therapy. While it wasn't as funny as expected, the film has an incredibly big heart that makes you think and appreciate your own parents a little bit more.
2.The Bounty Hunter (2010)
We couldn't get through the first half hour of it. I don't know why Gerard Butler continues to get roles, but this was just too much. Even a fat Jason Sudekis couldn't even fix this trainwreck.
3.Albert Nobbs (2011)
Glenn Close absolutely shines within this tale of gender bending and class issues of turn of the century Ireland. Working in a hotel as a waiter, Albert Nobbs saves her money in order to own her own tobacco shop and continue to make a better life for herself. Along the way she encounters desires for a wife, and confusion about her own place within the incredibly strict society. It's heartbreaking, inspiring, and upsetting all within one small film. My only issue with the film is that it bills Jonathan Rhys Meyers pretty high, while he only makes 3 appearances on screen entirely? Is he really that big of a name pull?
4.Burlesque (2010)
What can I say? I was really intrigued by this mish mash of a musical and an updated version of Britney Spears' Crossroads. There were more montages within this 2 hour and 15 minute sparkle fest than actual dialogue. Enough said.
5.My Week With Marilyn (2011)
Michelle Williams (Brokeback Mountain, Blue Valentine) completely embodies the aura and fun loving spirit of Ms. Monroe in this film. While I will always have issue with the fact that she was much too skinny to play the size 12 superstar, Williams' performace was the shining light of this mediocre Lifetime-esque film.
6.The Muppets (2011)
Going to see this opening night with no knowledge of the plot or jokes was the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. This new revamping of our beloved hand-held friends is classic and has jokes for every age group. It also follows the fool proof muppet movie equation: songs+jokes+celebrity cameos=delightful. Good job Jason Segel with the help of Bret from Flight of the Conchords!
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