"You should try to always use cash, especially when you are in a bar, because then if a fight breaks out the authorities can't prove that you were there."
On a Friday night after a few drinks and a couple games of scrabble with my boyfriend and my mother, she imparted this wisdom on both of us youngsters at the green age of 21. At first I laughed off this seemingly shady advice that I was receiving from my mother who didn't seem at all like the bar fightin' type, but after thinking about it over again I realized that this is not only smart for keeping me out of jail, but out of trouble with many situations. Lately I have been having a lot of issues with the people who I consider my friends and I have really been struggling with how I should handle these situations:
I think that I just need to start using cash instead of card. (metaphorically of course). Cash is exactly what it presents itself as, kind of like honest feelings, while cards just kind of pretend to be cash/present itself as cash. I have to stop just pretending to feel a certain way, and really put my money where my mouth is. (See what I did there?) Only after I only use emotional cash, then I will never be stuck in these pesky fights because I am honest with everyone.
So thank you mom for giving me practical advice and life advice through an analogy. This isn't the first time you've done this to me, and I know it won't be the last. I hope I can just follow it all.
love, Bailey