The weather around Los Angeles has become unreliable and more increasingly cold with each passing week. Now is the time for cuddling up by the fireplace with your favorite holiday music (I actually highly suggest NOW That's What I Call Christmas)--or more realistically--hiding under a pile of blankets with your face smooshed towards the television. Either way, the winter season always makes me a little bit drunk with the idea of undying and adorable love. It might be the idea of another warm body keeping you warm purely for survival, or having someone to wear Christmas sweaters with you until March, I love it all.

No famous couple embodies the idea of ever-lasting love mixed with fun and mutual admiration as well as Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. The two met on the set of The Long Hot Summer (1957) and were married by February of 1958. While it would seem that a quick courting of two Hollywood stars followed by a marriage in Las Vegas would end as quickly as it began, the 50 year commitment between Newman and Woodward would only be severed by Newman's death from cancer in 2008.
What makes the Newmans stand out for me as a perfect snapshot of love is the fact that they had fun together. They made each other laugh, joked around, and of course it would never get old. Would you ever get old of waking up to see Paul Newman next to you?

Beyond being completely infatuated with each other, Newman and Woodward raised three adorable daughters and loved to help others through their "Hole in the Wall Gang Camp" for terminally ill children to play outdoors, and all of the
Newman's Own products that we've grown to love and forget features ole blue eyes on the front.
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