Monday, June 4, 2012


Remember how Bailey and I have a blog? Remember how I used to post Dealbreakers? Well here's two more:

1. People who use the word "freelance" voluntarily. This goes for men and women. Looking at you "freelance bloggers", "freelance photographers" or "freelance actors". Sit down. Also if a guy refers to himself as a "freelance filmmaker", run the other direction.

2. People who insist on shopping exclusively at Whole Foods. I don't give a shit about Whole Foods. I walked in to a Whole Foods a few weeks ago on my lunch break to get a drink and I felt like Ron Swanson in that one Parks and Rec episode where he's like "I came here for the same reason people go to the zoo.". Specifically though, I'm talking about the people who are really adamant about eating only grass fed beef/cage free eggs or whatever, and think they're a better person for that. It doesn't fucking matter if you're eating meat that came from cows who were allowed to eat grass instead of force fed corn and soy, or eggs and meat from chickens who weren't forcibly impregnated and didn't live in cages. It doesn't make you a better person than me because you're still eating a fucking animal who was slaughtered and used for food so you can get off your high horse now. BYE.

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