In the last couple of days I have been lurking around the Cal Student Store because the daunting task of graduating from my last years of institutionalized education are coming to a crashing halt in less than a month. While there will no doubt be tears and camera flash bulbs going off on the day of the event, the planning has become just as much of a hassle as finals.
After shelling out over 200 dollars for semi necessary things (a cap and gown, thank you notes, a metal license plate holder, etc), it really began to hit me that I won't be going to school anymore. Never again packing up my life to move back to Berkeley, needing to look for an apartment closer to campus, picking classes on the adorably named telebears.
While my listings may seem sad and nostalgic, there is nothing I would like more than to get outta dodge and really start my life. Today I had to pick up my major commencement tickets at the "grad fair" and was greated by booths that reminded me that my graduation is the first step into maturity with free gifts such as...
a mini penant!
Nothing says adulthood like washable skin stickers. Class of 2011 represent.
washable skin stickers hahahaha lovezit
ReplyDeletethey gave us cheetos at our buying-expensive-caps-and-gowns-fair
Remember when I went to that thing (Caltopia?) first week of college and pretended to be Berkeley student and got all that free shit? And that little old Asian lady trying SO HARD to fish for that key chain? I have a photo of that somewhere.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I like your lounging bun