Friday, June 10, 2011

Fat Girl Pro-Tip

I just bought these tights from Target for $14.00. Now I know that seems like a lot for black tights when they have 5 dollar pairs at Target, but I figured it was worth it since all my tights are basically ripped to shreds. First of all, I'd like to say that even if you are a skinny girl, you should really check out shape wear. I know a lot of shape wear is scary looking and can be pretty expensive, but it is a worthwhile investment. All I'm saying is, go buy some Spanx, or, if you can't afford Spanx like me, go to Target and get these. They're made by Spanx. I know as a proud fat girl I should be saying shit like "FUCK SHAPEWEAR, IT'S BARBARIC!" Don't get me wrong, I love letting my thunder thighs hang out, but sometimes I like to keep everything, you know, smooth and stuff.